Gum disease is best prevented by diligent oral hygiene and routine dental cleanings. However, once gum disease sets in, it needs to be professionally treated to avoid disease progression and surrounding damage. Early gum disease or gingivitis is best treated with a deep cleaning, or scaling and root planing. More advanced gum disease or periodontitis may require more aggressive therapies. Rest assured that Seneca Family Dentistry is qualified to treat all stages of gum disease in the comfort of our Wichita office. Dr. Tanaka values the importance of healthy gums, regardless of your age, lifestyle habits or other risk factors.
Gum disease is an infection or inflammation within the gums. When plaque and tartar are allowed to build up along your tooth roots and gum line, the gums begin to push away from the teeth and form pockets. These pockets create an open invitation for bacteria and food debris, which often triggers an infection and inflammatory response within these soft tissues. If gum disease is not properly treated, the infection can destroy the surrounding bone and cause tooth instability.
Since gum disease is an oral health condition that is more easily treated if caught early, it is important that you are aware of its symptoms:
At Seneca Family Dentistry, we educate patients on their specific risk factors for gum disease, which many include smoking, diabetes, crooked teeth, or family history. It is important that you attend your routine dental exams, as this is when your gum health is thoroughly monitored by a professional.
If you notice signs of gum disease, please contact our office today to schedule an appointment. We welcome the opportunity to restore your smile health.